Monday 5 November 2012


Hola chicos:

Deciros que me encantó volver a veros a todos, tan mayores, pero en esencia tal y como yo os recordaba. Voy a abrir este tema para que podáis escribir de vez en cuando si queréis que nos mantengamos en contacto. Aprovecho para dejaros el enlace de mi Blog de español. No ha tenido el éxito del vuestro, pero espero poder reactivarlo en algún momento. Bueno, ¡un beso a todos! Hope to hear from you soon!

Monday 18 July 2011

Hi there! Tell us about your holiday!

How is your holiday doing? Fully enjoying it, for sure!

I went to Austria and visited the school in Linz and Vienna, too. It was great. Now I am spending some days at the beach.

Ok, some news on my side. I WILL MOVE TO GERMANY FOR THE NEXT 6 YEARS! Yes, you read well! I was surprised when I found out, as I did not prepare the exam. I just wanted to check how difficult it was... -It seems not that much ;) !- Well, anyhow, I'm very proud of you and really happy of having being your teacher. Do well in the future, promise?

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Homework for 16th May

Write a story plan for "It's a knockabout". It's only the plan that I'm interested in!!! You don't have to write the full story, only one or two sentences for each picture on page 124, L.B.

Voluntary research

Remember a fascinating football fact that we read about? All we really know is that a football match was cancelled in 1937 due to the very thick fog. Are you curious about it? What else can you find out?